God has really laid this on my heart and I want you to know that before I share anything with you it's something that God has already dealt with me about. Please bare with me as I try to relay to you what I feel God wants us to focus on this week to the best of my ability.
Time is very much a hindrance for us today. We're in a hurry for everything, we have so many places to go, so many things to do that we fail to devote time to things that are supposed to be most important to us. We can proclaim how important God is to us all day long but if we don't really spend any time with him then how important is he? I know we all have 105 excuses to justify why we don't spend more time with God, or at least I can come up with many excuses and they all seem legit. Let’s get real though, we prioritize our time according to what is the most important thing to us. So ask yourself; what are you spending most of your time doing? I think God wants us to realize that if we really want to intercede for our Pastor and Church than we've got to spend quality time with him. I'm not saying you don't, I'm just saying that we can often get sidetracked with the responsibilities and cares of the world. I heard a Pastor say once that; "life is about choices, we can have as much of Jesus in our life as we want". Jesus wants to be closer to us than we can ever fathom but how close do you want to be to him and what are you willing to give up to have that closeness with him? We have to choose to surrender everything we have to the Lord. Surrendering all you have to Christ is not just a onetime deal. It's an everyday choice that you have to make. We're human and it's easy to walk in the flesh (by the Natural Man) but it's not so easy to walk in and by the Spirit. Yesterday during praise and worship, I had to just keep saying, Father, I surrender everything I have to you, over and over in my mind, I went through everything I could possibly think of and surrendered it to Jesus and I'm not just talking morning service, I had to do it both services. It's not because I was backslidden or anything like that, it's because my natural man wants it to be about "me" and what "I" need and what "I" want. That's not what it's about, it's about what he wants, it's about his Kingdom, it's about being light and salt in this world, following his commandments no matter the cost and so I constantly have to die to self and surrender my all to him.
John the Baptist said it perfectly, "He must increase, I must decrease" (John 3:30). The disciples "Forsook all and followed him" (Luke 5:11). Jesus told his disciples.. "If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24)....and we like Jesus must also be "about our Father's business" (Luke 2:49).
I challenge you this week to really seek God in these areas. Die to self daily, surrender everything that you have and follow Christ no matter the cost, and don't forget we have to be about our Father's business. Give your time to God this week, turn off your distractions and spend every minute you possibly can with God.
Father, forgive me for my selfishness. Lord I surrender everything I have to you. Rid me of self father and fill me with your Spirit. Holy Spirit, mold us into a body of believers that is light and salt in this world. May our Church be known as a church that is conforming to the pattern set by Christ that's all about our Father's business. Jesus, I choose to pick up my cross and follow you. Thank you father for what you've done and what your gonna do. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen....
Prayer List
1. Divine Protection for Pastor and Family
2. Holiness
3. Heart like Hur to pray through the battle/strength when weary
4. Revival
5. Steadfastness
6. Surrender/Church about our Fathers business
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