Thursday, June 28, 2012

Devotions | Proverbs 31 Ministries/What Our Pastors Wish We Knew

I am so thankful to have received this devotion today and thought that it would be a good one for all of us to read. I personally can’t truly understand the pressures that are on our Pastor and his wife, I would like to say I understand but I’ve never been where they are so quite frankly I can’t identify with the pressures, struggles and temptations they face on a daily basis. I do know that they deserve double honor from us as 1 Timothy 5:17 states.

If you click the link below it will take you to Lysa's website at Proverbs 31 Ministries. Please take the time to really read this today.
Devotions | Proverbs 31 Ministries

Daily Devotion for June 28, 2012 What Our Pastors Wish We Knew

image description By Lysa TerKeurst 
"The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching." 1 Timothy 5:17 (NIV 1984)
My friend shocked me. She and her husband, a pastor, were not just resigning from their church, they were leaving the ministry all together. "It's just too much," she said with tears streaming down her face. "We gave all we could. But there were too many people who felt what we did was never enough."
My heart sank. Sadly, this pastor and his wife aren't alone.

According to research 40% of pastors and 47% of spouses are suffering from burnout, frantic schedules, and/or unrealistic expectations.  These numbers are heartbreaking and convicting. I'm passionate about understanding how to love and support those who lead my church. But I have to admit, I'm still learning how to apply the biblical principle of our key verse, 1 Timothy 5:17.  Paul knew that supporting and blessing the pastor was remarkably important when he said these words to Timothy and now to us all.  A wise, incredibly humble Texas pastor once told me, "Some would think double honor sounds excessive, but the reality is no one fully understands the pressures on your pastor at any given time as they carry with them the burdens of many in the congregation quietly and confidentially. This is not work that you can leave at the office, it weighs on you. I believe it is for this reason Paul calls us to double honor."  So, how do we apply this? Here are some insights shared with me from pastors and their wives all over the country:

Do the basics consistently.
The greatest way to bless your pastor is to be one of those faithful people who attends, serves and gives consistently. This offers such assurance to a pastor and their staff. One of the most well-studied pastors I know on church leadership said, "When people do the regular basics and never make a big deal about it, the other stuff you do for your pastor is so much more meaningful. Some people try to bless their pastor on their terms and they are loud about it. They don't tithe, but ... 'Hey pastor, you can use our lake house with strings attached.'" Let's bless our pastor and his staff with the basics. Give gifts without strings. And don't toot our horn about doing so.

Let go of the unrealistic expectations.
Almost every pastor addressed the issue of inviting he and his family over for dinner. While it seems like something we're doing for the pastor, it usually isn't the gift they need. More than spending time with our family, they need to spend time with theirs. Bless them with gift certificates. Or schedule to drop off a meal — especially during those busy times like Easter and Christmas.  Of course, they'll have friends where a dinner with that family is completely comfortable and refreshing. Give them the freedom to have close friends and not feel guilty or exclusive in doing so. One pastor's wife said to me, "I think the thing that discourages me the most is people commenting on my friendships. Using the word clique to describe my friendships, rather than just being happy I have a community, is hurtful." Let's bless our pastor and his family with freedom. They need friends. And it's okay if we're not dinner buddies.

Love the pastor's wife.
Two pastors wrote, "Please give my wife face-to-face affirmation," and "When my wife hears negative things about the church or me it crushes her."  Another pastor's wife gave insight into how to greet her so she doesn't feel like a heel for not remembering everyone personally. She said, "It's hard when people say, 'Do you remember me?' Instead, introduce yourself and remind me where we've met before." Let's commit to our pastor's wife the gift of kind words. As a woman in ministry, when someone commits to saying kind and affirming things about me, my ministry, and my family, it makes me feel so safe.

Don't assume other people are encouraging your pastor.
Send notes of encouragement. Write the email telling what a difference that sermon made in your life. Don't assume they get plenty of positive feedback—usually they don't.  Let's commit to not just be someone who appreciates our pastor in our hearts, but let's let them know over and over.

Keep studying how to bless your pastor.
Become aware of how your pastor best needs to be blessed and step into that role. Make it a family mission to be one of those foundational families at church who stays out of the drama, seeks to give and not take, and stays for the long haul honoring him all the way.
And don't forget the other pastoral staff members who serve so faithfully as well.
It's biblical. It's good. And while I've got a long way to go, I'm committed to honoring my pastors with much more intentionality.

Dear Lord, thanks for the gift of my pastor, his wife, his staff, his time. Please show me ways to give them double honor, and help me follow through on it. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Reflect and Respond:
Sit down with the Lord and ask Him to show you a few ways to bless your pastor this week.
While in prayer, get honest with God. Have you had unfair expectations of your pastor, his wife and family, or his staff? Repent.

Power Verse:
1 Thessalonians 5:12, "Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you." (NIV)

Monday, June 25, 2012


God has really laid this on my heart and I want you to know that before I share anything with you it's something that God has already dealt with me about. Please bare with me as I try to relay to you what I feel God wants us to focus on this week to the best of my ability.

Time is very much a hindrance for us today. We're in a hurry for everything, we have so many places to go, so many things to do that we fail to devote time to things that are supposed to be most important to us. We can proclaim how important God is to us all day long but if we don't really spend any time with him then how important is he? I know we all have 105 excuses to justify why we don't spend more time with God, or at least I can come up with many excuses and they all seem legit. Let’s get real though, we prioritize our time according to what is the most important thing to us. So ask yourself; what are you spending most of your time doing? I think God wants us to realize that if we really want to intercede for our Pastor and Church than we've got to spend quality time with him. I'm not saying you don't, I'm just saying that we can often get sidetracked with the responsibilities and cares of the world. I heard a Pastor say once that; "life is about choices, we can have as much of Jesus in our life as we want". Jesus wants to be closer to us than we can ever fathom but how close do you want to be to him and what are you willing to give up to have that closeness with him? We have to choose to surrender everything we have to the Lord. Surrendering all you have to Christ is not just a onetime deal. It's an everyday choice that you have to make. We're human and it's easy to walk in the flesh (by the Natural Man) but it's not so easy to walk in and by the Spirit. Yesterday during praise and worship, I had to just keep saying, Father, I surrender everything I have to you, over and over in my mind, I went through everything I could possibly think of and surrendered it to Jesus and I'm not just talking morning service, I had to do it both services. It's not because I was backslidden or anything like that, it's because my natural man wants it to be about "me" and what "I" need and what "I" want. That's not what it's about, it's about what he wants, it's about his Kingdom, it's about being light and salt in this world, following his commandments no matter the cost and so I constantly have to die to self and surrender my all to him.

John the Baptist said it perfectly, "He must increase, I must decrease" (John 3:30). The disciples "Forsook all and followed him" (Luke 5:11). Jesus told his disciples.. "If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24)....and we like Jesus must also be "about our Father's business" (Luke 2:49).

I challenge you this week to really seek God in these areas. Die to self daily, surrender everything that you have and follow Christ no matter the cost, and don't forget we have to be about our Father's business. Give your time to God this week, turn off your distractions and spend every minute you possibly can with God.

Father, forgive me for my selfishness. Lord I surrender everything I have to you. Rid me of self father and fill me with your Spirit. Holy Spirit, mold us into a body of believers that is light and salt in this world. May our Church be known as a church that is conforming to the pattern set by Christ that's all about our Father's business. Jesus, I choose to pick up my cross and follow you. Thank you father for what you've done and what your gonna do. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen....
Prayer List
1. Divine Protection for Pastor and Family
2. Holiness
3. Heart like Hur to pray through the battle/strength when weary
4. Revival
5. Steadfastness
6. Surrender/Church about our Fathers business

Monday, June 18, 2012


I was up late last night trying to determine what God really wanted us to pray about. The one thing that stood out in my mind the most is being Steadfast. "I" really didn't want to talk about steadfastness this week because I knew if I did, I would have to talk about my utter failure in this area but I was corrected in that rebellious attitude so we are moving forward in humility now.

I have been facing a very trying time. The enemy has tried consistently to throw obstacles in my path to get my focus off Jesus and on my circumstances and in many instances he has succeeded briefly. However, through this I am learning that if the enemy can keep us focused on the storm than we become less effective for the Kingdom. Our prayer life is more self focused instead of kingdom focused, our thoughts are constantly on our own problems and we tend to forget about the bigger purpose (or at least I have).

I have gotten caught up in hurt and anger. The enemy wants to destroy our families and cause constant chaos in our lives. He is using everything he can to take our focus away from Jesus and away from his Kingdom and to bring us to self pity and frustration. Last week as the blows got more frequent and more personal, I felt myself just teetering right at the edge of the Pit, knowing that it wouldn't take much more to knock me down. I have to check myself moment by moment, get my footing back and realize that I am an overcomer through the Blood of Jesus.

To stand steadfast means to stand without wavering, being fixed in place, to be stable, steady and calm, no matter what happens. Did you know that God's word says that Jotham in the Old Testament walked steadfastly before God and grew Powerful as a result? I want to be powerful and not pitiful as Joyce Meyer would say. So, this week I really want us to pray for a steadfast spirit in warfare, we need to pray this for ourselves and for our Pastor.

James 1:2-4
2 chronicle 27:6 (NIV)

Prayer List
1. Divine Protection for Pastor and Family
2. Holiness
3. Heart like Hur to pray through the battle/strength when weary
4. Revival
5. Steadfastness

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We're In A Battle

I just saw this and had to share it with you guys. I know I promised one email a week but I think God is ok with two this week. LOL

Read Acts 12:1-11
Peter was in a time of crisis, he was imprisoned in the midst of a huge persecution against the Church and the enemy had positioned soldiers to bind him and guard him. The scripture says that constant prayer was made by the church for Peter’s release.

(Acts 12:7)Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands. 

I believe this was an answer to a nonstop prayer storm from the church. God is calling believers to pray prayers of protection over their leaders so that the entire church can prevail against the enemy’s attacks.

When thinking about the battle we are facing, God reminded me of this story I heard about my Cousin, Colonel Darrell Darnbush. I remember meeting one of his "Privates"(I guess that's what you call them) one time and when I asked him if he knew Darrell he was amazed that I would even ask him such a question. He said to me, did you know that your cousin, has bodyguards everywhere he goes? That every time he goes to Iraq, he has a group of soldiers that circle around him and their only objective is to keep him safe at all cost. WOW...are you seeing the same picture I'm seeing here? I believe that God wants us to do this very thing for our Pastor. We need to circle around him, be his spiritual body guards, covering him from the enemy fire at all costs.

I love that connection God made for me this morning and really just wanted to share it with you guys.

Monday, June 11, 2012


This week has been a very busy week for all of us and I almost sent an email that said we're just going to have to skip this week because I haven't devoted the time that I should have to seek God about what we should pray about this week but just as I began to do that God reminded me of my desire yesterday as I was listening to Pastor's sermon about the importance of getting them while we can. I suddenly remembered the overwhelming emotions that I felt during his sermon and how I just longed to see revival breakout this week at VBS. I could literally visualize God doing a mighty work in these kids’ lives this week and tears just came to my eyes.

I realize this is a huge subject and one I am definitely not even qualified to attempt to talk about so I'm just going to give us some principals to remember when praying for Revival. Before, I do that, I want to say thank you. I know that all of you are much more mature in the Lord than I am. Sending these emails every week is such a battle as the enemy is very consistent in reminding me of how stupid this is and that I don't have a clue what I'm talking about, etc. So, Thank you for your support and allowing me to step out and obey what I feel like the Lord is asking me to do in this season of my life. Also if you have anything that you feel like God wants you to add please feel free to interject.

As I've said before, I believe we are in the last days and we need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and that our Father in heaven wants to bring Revival to us but we must pray with urgency.

Let us pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17)
Pray that God will revive us (Psalm 80:18-19)
Let our appeal be grounded solely upon HIS Mercy (Daniel 9:18-19)
Ask & Believe (Matthew 21:22)
Trust & Have Faith (Hebrews 11:6)

Heavenly Father, we give you praise for you are Holy. Lord I thank you for your Mercy. We ask for you to bring revival to our lives personally and to your body as a whole. Pour your Spirit out on these VBS kids & PCOG. Take off all spiritual blinders, open ears to hear your word and prepare hearts to receive you. Father, give us a heart to pray for lost souls. Father God, incline your ear and hear our cry! We ask these things believing that it is your will that none should perish but that all should come to repentance. We trust you to do all the work and we'll be careful to give you all the praise and all the Glory. Thank you for what you've done and what you're going to do. In Jesus Name, Amen.

1 Thess. 5:17
Psalm 80:18-19
Daniel 9:18-19
Matthew 21:22
Hebrews 11:6
Prayer List
1. Divine Protection for Pastor and Family
2. Holiness
3. Heart like Hur to pray through the battle/strength when weary
4. Revival

Monday, June 4, 2012

Heart like Hur

I just want to remind all of you about a story that God brought to my memory earlier in the week. Exodus 17:8-16, as I read this story, I just thought about the battle the children of Israel were facing and how Moses, Aaron and Hur handled the battle. We all face battles; big, small, individually and congregationally. When Moses prayed, he gave the Children of Israel strength. When he grew weary and his arms fell down, Amalek prevailed. The original Hebrew word for Prevail (rbg/Gabar) means to be given strength or power. When we fail to pray for our Pastor, we don't weaken our Pastor, we strengthen and give more power to the enemy. Prayer is the most powerful weapon that we have. Moses had what I consider to be two prayer warriors with him during this battle. Aaron the great high priest and Hur. From what I gather, Hur was just an ordinary man. When Moses was too tired to hold his arms up any longer, Aaron and Hur held them up for him. When I read that my eyes were opened. Our Heavenly Father gave us a story that tells us exactly what we're supposed to be doing as a congregation of Hur's to help our Pastor. Our Pastor is human just as we are. He gets tired and worn out just like we do. When he can't hold his arms up any longer, we should be ready to hold his arms up for him. Our Pastor needs us to touch heaven for him and his family. Our prayers will hold him up and encourage him.

What our Pastors do every day requires diligence, determination and dedicated labor rooted in love. It's a constant ministry of giving.

Father, today I ask that you give me a heart like "Hur". Jesus mold me and make me into a humble servant, willing to stand behind my Pastor and his wife and lift their arms up when they grow weary. Giver of Peace and Rest, I ask you to refresh them. Let them not become weary in doing good. Give them a harvest of strength, a harvest of support and a harvest of souls. In Jesus Name. Amen

Exodus 17:8-16
Galatians 6:9
Prayer List
1. Divine Protection for Pastor and Family
2. Holiness
3. Heart like Hur to pray through the battle/strength when weary