Monday, June 4, 2012

Heart like Hur

I just want to remind all of you about a story that God brought to my memory earlier in the week. Exodus 17:8-16, as I read this story, I just thought about the battle the children of Israel were facing and how Moses, Aaron and Hur handled the battle. We all face battles; big, small, individually and congregationally. When Moses prayed, he gave the Children of Israel strength. When he grew weary and his arms fell down, Amalek prevailed. The original Hebrew word for Prevail (rbg/Gabar) means to be given strength or power. When we fail to pray for our Pastor, we don't weaken our Pastor, we strengthen and give more power to the enemy. Prayer is the most powerful weapon that we have. Moses had what I consider to be two prayer warriors with him during this battle. Aaron the great high priest and Hur. From what I gather, Hur was just an ordinary man. When Moses was too tired to hold his arms up any longer, Aaron and Hur held them up for him. When I read that my eyes were opened. Our Heavenly Father gave us a story that tells us exactly what we're supposed to be doing as a congregation of Hur's to help our Pastor. Our Pastor is human just as we are. He gets tired and worn out just like we do. When he can't hold his arms up any longer, we should be ready to hold his arms up for him. Our Pastor needs us to touch heaven for him and his family. Our prayers will hold him up and encourage him.

What our Pastors do every day requires diligence, determination and dedicated labor rooted in love. It's a constant ministry of giving.

Father, today I ask that you give me a heart like "Hur". Jesus mold me and make me into a humble servant, willing to stand behind my Pastor and his wife and lift their arms up when they grow weary. Giver of Peace and Rest, I ask you to refresh them. Let them not become weary in doing good. Give them a harvest of strength, a harvest of support and a harvest of souls. In Jesus Name. Amen

Exodus 17:8-16
Galatians 6:9
Prayer List
1. Divine Protection for Pastor and Family
2. Holiness
3. Heart like Hur to pray through the battle/strength when weary

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