The Lord spoke Glory Carriers to my spirit last night and today I was reminded of a sermon I heard from Bryan Cutshall about 3 years ago and he did a great job of bringing this image to life for me. So picture this with me.
God is light. His glory is the very essence of who he is and heaven is a city made of Gold. The purest of Gold without any impurities is transparent. So this city must look like glass where the light of God is illuminating from the throne like the colors of a rainbow. A light so bright in this city that it bounces off the edges of the crystal clear buildings and fills the atmosphere with the most beautiful colors you could possibly see. Imagine with me for a minute as God calls for Lucifer, the anointed cherub, radiating with beauty, robed in his garment of praise to come forth. He's the seal of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. The arc angel, wearing his covering made up of every precious stone and gold. His sole purpose was to be a light bearer to reflect the glory of God in this city. I can see him spinning around the throne of God draped in this cloak of beauty and the Glory of God radiating off of him while the most beautiful instrumental sounds one could possibly imagine comes forth out of his being as all of heaven worshipped God.
There was one problem though. Lucifer was not being acknowledged for all of his talent. No one knew who that glory carrier was. When Lucifer was in his covering, when praise was coming forth from his being he became invisible. He couldn't be seen under his garment of praise at all. The only thing that was seen was the Glory of God. Lucifer wanted recognition and he wanted to be exalted high above God for all he had done, for all his beauty and "talent". He was filled with violence from within and sinned.(Ezekiel 28)
STOP and think about that for a minute......When a true Glory Carrier carries light and praise they become invisible. To carry this kind of praise your talent is no longer important to you, being acknowledged as the one who prayed for that healing and it happened, sang that song, or cast out that devil isn't important. What you've done is not important any longer, the only thing important is carrying praise and the glory of God to those around you.
This is my prayer. I'm praying to be a glory carrier and I'm praying that my Pastors will be carriers of His glory as well. Pray with me.
Lord I just pray for glory carriers to arise in Jesus Name. I pray our Pastors will carry your glory, splendor, power, beauty and light with them everywhere. Not caring if they ever get acknowledged but knowing that carrying your glory to this world is the most important thing. Let them be men of praise, true worshippers of you. I pray they awake every morning, submit themselves to you as a living sacrifice, put on a garment of praise and stay hidden behind you so that you may get all the glory in Jesus Name.
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