Monday, December 17, 2012

Confidence in God

Ever since last night I have been thinking about all the prayers that have been prayed for my Dad’s salvation. My mom has been praying for him almost 40 years. I can't count the number of times I've shared the Gospel with him and he has completely rejected it. I came to Church last night believing God for a Miracle. Believing that my dad was going to finally get it and he would be saved so when I looked up and saw that my dad had skipped out during invitation I felt like my heart had fallen out of my chest.

Several people tried to encourage me by telling me he was there and had heard the word but all I could think of was he has heard the word for 38 years now and nothing had changed, what makes this time any different? Literally I could feel all hope in my Dad ever accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior fading quickly. How quickly the enemy rushed in to attack as soon as my focus shifted from God to me.

I’m sending this to you today not to say that I have this all together in a matter of hours because I completely do not but I believe that through this God is trying to teach me something that in turn we all need to begin praying for. As we face these last days where we place our confidence will be a key factor in overcoming the things that are to come.

God wants us to be Confident in Him and in the truth that all things (not some but ALL things) are possible through him. Our focus will determine our behavior. He wants us to stop talking about how big our giants are and start telling our giants how big our God is.

Numbers 13:30(NLT) But Caleb tried to quiet the people as they stood before Moses. “Let’s go at once to take the land,” he said. “We can certainly conquer it!”

When the Israelites first approached the borders of Canaan, Moses sent scouts into the Promised Land to assess the situation. Ten of the scouts came back with reports that focused on the giants in the land, men so big and powerful the scouts feared they could not be defeated. Two of the scouts focused on God and his promise that he would give the Israelites the land.

So let's add praying for "Confidence in God" to our prayer list. Don't forget to pray this over our Pastor and Bev as well.

Heavenly Father,
I love you and praise you. Thank you God for always understanding where I am even when I don't understand myself. Lord, I spend so much time grumbling and complaining about all the messed up stuff going on in and around me that I lose sight of who I place my confidence in. Father forgive me for being self centered. I ask you Father, to help me to keep a God Confidence in and through all things I face and endure. Thank you for your love, your mercy and your grace. In Jesus Name, I pray Amen.

Psalm 27

Prayer List
1. Divine Protection
2. Holiness
3. Heart like Hur/strength when weary
4. Revival
5. Steadfastness
6. Surrender
7. Discernment
8. Worship in Spirit and Truth
9. Trust
10. Pray to be led by the Holy Spirit
11. Resist Discouragement
12. Offense
13. Unity
14. Fire of God to fall
15. Walk in Obedience to His Word
16. Overcome Fear with Faith
17. Shift in the Atmosphere/Preparation
18. Give double honor
19. Radical Transformations
20. Confidence in God

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