1. Love them unconditionally. I have heard 1 Corinthians 13 several times in the past couple of days and each time I hear it mentioned, I go back and read it one more time. I fall so short of truly loving as God has commanded me to love but I strive to love in this magnitude daily. Pray to love like Jesus. That he will love through us so that God's complete love can be poured out of us. If we would choose to love unconditionally daily, the light of Jesus would shine so brightly through us that His love could not be contained. Our lives would be a reflection or a magnet so to speak for Jesus to a lost and hurting world. Love is kind, it is not jealous or envious, it is not self seeking, it keeps no record of wrong, it is not easily angered, it endures all things. Love is Patient.
2. Pray for them always. I think that God will bless a church that prays for their Pastor. A praying church will manifest the power of the living God in a mighty way. Paul repeatedly asked the churches to pray for him and his ministry. The enemy knows his time is coming to an end so the battle is only going to become more intense as we approach these last days. All the more reason we need to be prepared for what's ahead. Interceding for our Pastor and his wife is spiritual warfare and it's our job to bare their burdens and cover them in prayer.
3. Provide for their physical needs. A church that does not supply for their pastor's needs violates the Scripture. God says give the pastor "double honor" (adequate support and respect). We should be supporting our Pastor and any needs that he may have physically. Look for opportunities to bless them above what you're already doing.
4. Be a Faithful and Loyal supporter. They need to know that we believe in them and that we're always there for them. We should serve them as unto the Lord. Let them know that we value what they value. Be faithful in your attendance to church. We should never find ourselves gossiping or speaking negatively about our Pastor or his wife. Every expectation of perfection that you have for them needs to be broken and brought under the blood of Jesus. We need to realize that they are no more perfect than we are. Recognize that they are not able to please each one of us according to what we want or may even need from them at all times, their primary focus is to please the Lord. Let's demolish every unrealistic expectation that we have for them and instead set out to encourage, edify and build them up. Support them and their ministry so the Lord may be glorified in all things.
Related Scripture's
1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; Hebrews 13:7, 17; Hebrews 13:18-19; Eph. 6:18-19; 2 Thess. 3:1-2
Let's pray that God will open our eyes on how we can give our Pastor and Beverly double honor not only this week but every day of the year.
Father we thank you for giving us a Pastor who loves us and has our best interest at heart. We ask God that you open our eyes to ways that we can give our Pastor and his wife double honor every day. Holy Spirit keep them on the forefront of our minds so that we can pray for them always. Jesus teach us to love unconditionally. Father, we release and demolish every unrealistic expectation that we have of them in the name of Jesus. We ask that you open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on them that cannot be contained. In Jesus Name we Pray, Amen
Prayer List
1. Divine Protection
2. Holiness
3. Heart like Hur/strength when weary
4. Revival
5. Steadfastness
6. Surrender
7. Discernment
8. Worship in Spirit and Truth
9. Trust
10. Pray to be led by the Holy Spirit
11. Resist Discouragement
12. Offense
13. Unity
14. Fire of God to fall
15. Walk in Obedience to His Word
16. Overcome Fear with Faith
17. Shift in the Atmosphere/Preparation
18. Give double honor